the story of creation

The Genesis I art show takes you on a breathtaking journey through the first three days of creation, capturing the interplay of light, earth, sky, land, and water in a mesmerizing display of artistry. With a seamless fusion of technology and creativity, we invite you to experience the wonder and awe of Genesis in a whole new immersive way. Join us as we explore the depths of artistic expression and unravel the mysteries of the world’s genesis through the lens of art.


  • / Marseille

    Palais de la Bourse

    After a resounding success in Switzerland and throughout Germany, the immersive experience finally arrives in France, in the heart of an exceptional historical monument.

  • / Hamburg

    St. Johanniskirche

    Given Hamburg’s rich artistic heritage and reputation, it’s no surprise that its immersive GENESIS experience was brought to the city. With its stunning visuals and mesmerizing audio, the experience is sure to captivate and inspire visitors, just as Hamburg’s art scene has done for generations.

  • / Regensburg

    St. Ulrich

    For the first time in Germany, GENESIS was presentet in Regensburg.

  • / Munich

    St. Markus

    This show in the heart of Munich, an unforgettable journey through the story of GENESIS's immersive experienc.

  • / Bern


    Step into the heart of Bern and join us for a truly unique and immersive experience.

  • / Zurich

    Offener St. Jakob

    Projektil's stroke of luck in having their studio nearby had inspired them to bring an immersive art show to this monumental space for the first time.



    Our show GENESIS was presented as part of the new Lilu Lichtfestival Luzern in the prestigious Church of St. Leodegar, also known as Hofkirche, which is considered to be the most important example of church building from the Renaissance period in Switzerland.

  • / Berlin


    The immersive art show debuts in Berlin, offering its immersive spectacle for the first time in the city, where art enthusiasts can delve into a mesmerizing fusion of creativity and technology.

  • / London

    Swiss Church

    GENESIS takes its inspiring immersive experience to the UK for the first time, captivating London audiences with its unprecedented fusion of art and technology.

  • / Baden

    Reformierte Kirche Baden

    The Show "NEO featuring GENESIS by Projektil"is part of the 100th anniversary of the city festival Badenfahrt.

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